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Registration / Dates

Registration for integration courses in Freiburg and Lörrach

Current start dates for integration courses in Freiburg and Lörrach.

Please contact us in order to receive a full individual consultation.

Registration for integration courses often involves a lot of formalities. We recommend that students contact our staff directly, as they will be able to quickly identify the documents needed.

This will depend on the following points:

  • How long have you been living in Germany?
  • Are you planning to stay here long-term?
  • Do you come from a country in the EU/EEA?
  • Do you receive unemployment pay type II or housing benefit, or are you exempted from GEZ?
  • Have you previously taken any integration courses? If yes, where?
  • Have you previously taken a DTZ exam (German test for immigrants) or “Living in Germany” test?

When you come for a consultation please bring all the necessary documents to make the application process quicker:

  • Antrag auf Zulassung zum Integrationskurs
    (application for the integration course)
  • Antrag auf Kostenbefreiung
    (application for exemption from the costs)
  • Antrag auf Wiederholungsstunden 300 UE
    (application for revision classes, approx. 300 teaching units)

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) will review the application; this process takes several weeks.

For individual consultation, placement tests and registration please contact us.

Our offeces in Freiburg are open from Monday to Wednesday from 08:00 to 17:00 CET, and from Thursday to Friday from 08:00 to 13:00 CET .

Our offices in Lörrach are open Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00 CET

Please bring along your passport, Zulassung form and proof of any social security benefits you receive (unemployment pay type II, housing benefit, etc.).

And don't forget your smile and your motivation to learn German in an international atmosphere!

If you have any questions please contact us at:

iOR Language Institute Freiburg
iOR Language Institute Lörrach

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